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The Power of Consistent Small Changes: A Lesson from Aviation

Katie Bowers
View from an aeroplane

Imagine you're on a long-haul flight.

The pilots have plotted a precise course to your destination, but what if, right after takeoff, the plane veers just 1 degree off course?

At first, you might not even notice. But as the hours go by, that tiny 1-degree difference begins to get bigger and bigger.

By the time the plane lands, you could end up hundreds of miles away from your intended destination.

This simple analogy highlights an amazing truth about our own lives: small changes, even ones that seem insignificant at the moment, can lead to vastly different outcomes over time, and this can work both negatively and positively.

The Impact of a Small Change

Small adjustments in our habits, mindset, or routines can have a huge impact when built up over time.

Think about it—changing your course by just 1 degree can be as simple as:

  • Reading 10 pages of a book each day: It might not feel like much, but over a year, that adds up to around 3,650 pages—equivalent to 12-15 books!

  • Choosing water over sugary drinks: A small decision today, but in a few months, your health ( and teeth) will thank you.

  • Spending 10 minutes a day walking in nature: Just 10 minutes a day contributes to a calmer nervous system over time.

Daily Tapping: Small Changes - Consistently

Katie tapping on the under eye acupressure point

The same principle applies to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping. What if you tapped for just a few minutes each day, focusing on one block or emotion at a time? It might seem small in the moment, but over time, the impact can be incredible.

Imagine this: tapping on one specific emotion, belief, or obstacle each day. By the end of a year, you’d have tapped on 365 things! Can you imagine the transformation that would create in your life?

Maybe it’s a bit of anxiety one day, self-doubt the next, or frustration with a situation. Each time you tap, you're shifting your energy, clearing out emotional baggage, and freeing up space for more calm, joy, and clarity. Over time, these small moments of self-care add up, just like that 1-degree change in a plane’s course.

Lavender growing outside

Start Today, See Results Tomorrow

Small changes today can lead to big differences tomorrow. So why not start today with just a few minutes of tapping? Pick one thing that’s weighing you down or holding you back, and tap through it. Over time, these small daily shifts will lead to massive transformation in your emotional wellbeing, confidence, and resilience.

If you’re ready to clear your emotional blocks and want support on this journey, why not book a free EFT taster session with me? Let’s work together to help you experience the power of small, consistent changes in your life.

Wild flowers with a yellow circle on the right with Katie's EFT Coaching written in the middle

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