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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) will help free you from the emotions that are keeping you feeling stuck in your body and mind. 

The first time you tap it might feel a bit strange.


I guess every time we do something for the first time it can feel odd, but once you get used to tapping, it becomes second nature and you find yourself reaching for it as an everyday tool.


EFT is evidence based

There are an ever increasing number of randomised control trials that have proven the effectiveness of this method. The latest trials have shown that EFT has the ability to rewire the brain with the new learning.


Here are some links to read more about the research.

The science behind energy

Clinical EFT a systematic review

Does EFT really work?

Quick facts about Energy Psychology




What to expect in an EFT coaching session with me. 



1. We will explore what you want to work on and how you would like to feel at the end. I will then explain how to tap.



2. I will ask you some questions that will help you to gain clarity on your issue and we will start tapping.



3. As thoughts, feelings or sensations arise we will tap on these as we unlock your unconscious blocks.


By working through the beliefs and feelings keeping you stuck, we can begin to transition into a new chapter of possibilities, with ease and clarity.



I will support you on your journey of self discovery in a gentle and compassionate way.

I feel so much lighter now. I’ll forever be grateful for Katie’s help. EFT is the way forward. 

I came to Katie as I was struggling with a couple of family members and I really needed help on where these emotions were popping up from.


Katie was so patient with me and held a calming presence and space for me to dig deep and finally pull out the emotion by its root.


Lisa - Coach

Imagine being back in control of your life and seeing your new possibilities ahead of you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I feel in control? 

Tapping isn’t like hypnosis  you are not in an altered state we are tapping on meridian points to release emotions and blocks. If you feel more comfortable you don’t even have to speak out loud, you can speak in your head and the results will work just as well. 


Why do you suggest booking in blocks of 4 sessions? 

I find this helpful as it gives you a chance to learn EFT, there is time give the process a chance to show you results, it is also a manageable commitment but not excessive.


Can I pay in instalments?

The 4 session packages are repeatable as long as you want. You pay for 4 sessions upfront and then choose to continue for another block of 4 sessions.


What happens in between sessions? 

I do encourage you to tap on things the may come up and even write them down so that we can tap together on it in the next session. If you have any questions I am always just an email away. 


How do the sessions work?

We will meet virtually on zoom once a week and I am available via email if you need support between sessions.

Do you have a question I haven’t covered?  Email me on 



Want to find out if tapping is right for you or dip your toe in the water before you commit?

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