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What is EFT and How Can It Help You?

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a powerful tool for calming the nervous system and releasing stuck emotions. By combining physical tapping with cognitive reframing, EFT allows us to respond to life's challenges from a place of calm rather than fear.

Image of me (Katie) tapping on the side of my hand

My Personal Journey: From Panic to Peace

In my 20s, I was in an abusive marriage where mistakes or being late led to intense panic. My nervous system was constantly in overdrive, looking out for and reacting to perceived threats.

Recently, when I lost my debit card on a dog walk, I noticed a significant shift—I felt calm, a clear sign of my progress with EFT.

Understanding the Body's Response to Trauma

Have you ever overreacted to a situation and wondered why?

Our bodies remember past traumas and often react to current situations as if the old danger still exists. Until we address these deep-seated memories, and our current feelings about them, our reactions to situations may be disproportionate to the actual event.

Photo of me (Katie) tapping under my right eye

How EFT Works: Calming the Nervous System and Releasing Emotions

EFT works by tapping on specific points of the body while focusing on emotional distress. This process helps calm the nervous system, release stuck emotions, and enables us to choose a more balanced and grounded response.

Experience Emotional Freedom: Book Your Free EFT Session Today

If you feel stuck in a cycle of fear or other overwhelming emotions, EFT can help you break free.

Contact me to arrange a free taster session with me to explore how we can work together to achieve the emotional freedom you deserve.

logo with green muted photo of wild flowers and yellow circle with Katies EFT coaching written in the circle.

As mums, we’ve spent years pouring our love and energy into our kids, their playdates, their school activities, and making sure they have everything they need to grow and thrive. We’ve said yes to every school donation, every class trip, and every favor asked by other mums, without a second thought. We’ve been there for our kids and our community, ready to lend a hand whenever needed.

But in doing all of this, many of us have quietly set our own needs and plans aside. We’ve been so focused on everyone else that we’ve forgotten what lights us up inside.

This happened to me. I absolutely loved being a mum, but I lost a bit of myself along the way. I felt lost if they weren’t around and lacked confidence unless I was "Mum." I also felt a deep guilt whenever I did something for myself, thinking it made me a bad mum. To ease that guilt, I would overcompensate, which only made things harder.

Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing, though: our kids are growing more independent every day. They don’t need us in the same way they used to. And that means now is the perfect time for us to reconnect with our own passions, interests, and dreams. It’s time to say yes to ourselves for a change.

This isn’t just about "filling time" now that our kids are older. It’s about realizing that we’ve got so much talent, creativity, and energy to offer—outside of being amazing mums. There’s a whole world of joy and excitement waiting for us when we take the leap to rediscover our own paths. And the best part? We don’t have to do it alone.

Image of me in my garden

When I found my tribe, the experience became so much more enjoyable and possible. I met women who understood me, cheered me on, and supported me during the struggles. They kept me going when I thought about giving up and reminded me that I deserved this—it was my time now!

That’s why it’s so important to find your tribe—other like-minded mums who are in the same stage of life, ready to support and encourage you as you explore what’s next. Women who understand exactly where you’re at because they’re right there too. Women who get that it's not selfish to take time for yourself; it’s necessary. Together, we can lift each other up as we discover new passions, reawaken old ones, and create meaningful connections along the way.

Think about it: the same dedication and care you’ve poured into your family can now be used to nurture your own growth and well-being. And in doing so, you’ll find that you’re not only becoming a happier, more fulfilled version of yourself—you’re also leading by example for your children. When they see you following your passions and taking care of yourself, they’ll learn the importance of doing the same for themselves.

When they do eventually fly the nest, if we’ve neglected ourselves, the grief can hit harder. Without a support system and a new path where we blossom, missing them can feel even more painful. I know this all too well because it happened to me.

Lavender plants

So how about we prepare for this? Let’s build you up, rebuild that confidence, nurture your self-worth, and redirect that inner drive.

So, are you ready?

Ready to take that step towards finding your tribe and reigniting your dreams?

This is your time. You’ve earned it.

Come join us and connect with other mums who understand exactly what you’re going through. Together, we’ll support each other in rediscovering our joys, exploring new paths, and building a future that’s just as fulfilling for us as it is for our kids.

You’ve done an incredible job of raising your children. Now it’s time to give that same love and energy back to yourself.

Come and join MUMS SEEKING MORE, press the link below.

My business logo wild grasses with a yellow circle

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The other day, I noticed a tension building in my shoulders, and I couldn’t quite figure out what was causing it. Instead of ignoring it, I turned to a tool that’s been incredibly effective for me—EFT tapping.

The Link Between Emotions and Physical Tension

When we don’t process our emotions, we end up carrying them around in our bodies, which takes a lot of energy. No wonder we get so run down—it’s like we’re lugging an emotional rucksack everywhere we go. If we ignore these emotions in the moment, they’ll eventually show up in other ways. For me, that moment of unprocessed emotion manifested as tightness in my shoulders.

Lavender plants

How EFT Tapping Helped Me Address Emotional Blockages

By tapping and breathing, I tuned into the tension in my shoulders. As I focused on the physical sensation, the underlying cause revealed itself—I realised it was connected to a conversation I’d had the day before, one that I hadn’t fully processed. With this awareness, I got more specific with my tapping, targeting the emotions, words, and thoughts that had been triggered. This allowed me to safely release the stuck feelings.

Why It's Important to Process Your Emotions

If we can pause, explore these emotions, and give them permission to release in a safe way, it can make a huge difference in how we feel day-to-day. Tapping is a brilliant method for releasing these emotions safely.

How to Get Support for Deeper Emotional Healing

However, if tapping brings up a memory or event that feels overwhelming and you feel you need support to work through it, please get in touch with me.

Experience EFT for Yourself with a Free Taster Session

I offer a free EFT taster session to see if we’re a good fit and to give you a chance to experience EFT firsthand.

Contact me if this sounds of interest to you.

Wild flowers yellow circle with green butterfly and my logo

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